Building, Construction & Inspections
At The Grand Bahama Port Authority, our goal is to safeguard life, health, property, and the public welfare by establishing minimum standards for design, construction, and maintenance.

What We Do
The purpose of the Building Unit of Freeport Business Portal is to safeguard life, health, property, and the public welfare by establishing minimum standards for the design, construction, and maintenance of buildings through the regulation and control of the following criteria:
(a) Use and occupancy, type of construction, and provisions for egress, light, ventilation, and sanitary facilities.
(b) Structural sufficiency, methods of construction, and use of materials.
(c) Utility services and equipment.
This is done by ensuring that the regulations of Grand Bahama Port Authority, Limited Building & Sanitary Code, 1983, are properly enforced.
It must be stressed that the standards prescribed by this Code are minimum standards and compliance with them will not absolve from liability any owner or occupier of a lot if the terms of the lease, conveyance, or title deed under which he owns or occupies such lot prescribe any higher standards.
New Construction
New buildings and structures hereafter erected in any area within the jurisdiction of this Code shall comply with the requirements as set forth in this Code.
Existing Buildings
General: Except as otherwise specifically provided, buildings or structures to which additions, alterations, or repairs are made, and all such additions, alterations, or repairs, shall comply with all the requirements of this Code for new buildings or structures.
Exception: When specifically approved by the Development Agent, alterations or additions may be made without making the entire building or structure comply with new building requirements, provided in his opinion such modifications will not increase or cause a potentially hazardous condition.
Moved Buildings: Buildings or structures moved within the jurisdiction of this Code shall comply with the requirements of this Code.